Versatile Horsemanship, LLC is a grassroots Equine operation. Owned and operated by professional horsemen, Elliot & Caitie Holtzman.
The pair offers starting under saddle, halter breaking, Liberty horses, trick training, select sale horses, clinics, lessons on your horse, and entertainment.
You and your horse are more than a number to us, more than a paycheck. We offer a shared love of the horse and an appreciation for multiple disciplines within the industry.
Though each horse may be bred for a specific discipline or sport, it is something special to see them learn, adapt, and excel in a variety of complementary disciplines. One horse, endless skills.
Elliot and Caitie aim to work one-on-one with clients and their horses to help them achieve their goals, and to enable them to successfully and safely handle and ride their own horses, while improving their horsemanship.
The facility and grounds are safe, simple, and polished with plenty of room to offer ample turn out to help keep horses sound both mentally and physically.
All breeds and disciplines are welcome and appreciated here at Versatile Horsemanship.
After leasing for years, Elliot and Caitie purchased their very own facility in May 2022. The property is a 65 acre operational horse facility based in the heart of the beautiful North Texas Hill Country- the city of Nocona, Texas located in Montague County.
The property includes...
- A 9 stall show barn
- Multiple pastures of various sizes with run-in sheds
- Circle drives... that's right, MULTIPLE circles to drive trailers through
- 5 stall shed-row barn
-7 paddocks each with shelter
- 150 x 250 out door arena
- RV plugs
- 50 x 70 Covered round pen and viewing area
- Outdoor round pens
-Climate controlled entertainment room and full kitchen
- Bunk house for interns and guests
- Tiny House for guests
-Hay barn
- Creek, ponds, pecan grove, and room for growth.
Elliot and Caitie Holtzman work together to incorporate their formal and informal educations and experiences into their operation each day. Both are working to hone their skills and to learn more as they continue to study under experienced horsemen in the industry as often as they can.
Elliot is a 2014 Legacy of Legends scholarship recipient.
Caitie attended North Central Texas College to study Equine Science and Management and went on to gain a Bachelor and Master of Science in Agriculture with a focus on Equine and Ag Education from Texas A&M University-Commerce.
A combined foundation of horsemanship, experience, and education is what their equine enterprise is based upon. Their goal is to help clients with their horses, be honest with them, and give them the best experience they can possibly have in the horse industry.
At the foundation of any equestrian sport or discipline is horsemanship, and a true love of the horse.
I have never really considered our program a step-by-step process. Horses are individuals and even though there are core foundation skills that we aim for each horse to learn- how we go about it with each horse can be different.
I used to believe that Versatile Horsemanship HAD to look like all the rest.
I used to think that we HAD to have ONE specific step-by-step "program".
I used to think that we had to pick ONE discipline. ONE equestrian sport.
I used to think that how we built our program, who we are, and how we got here was not a good thing- because it is a different story than some.
I used to be ashamed of how we built Versatile Horsemanship.
But now, I know otherwise.
Versatile Horsemanship was built by two horse-loving people who will not quit.
We haven't worked as long term assistants for another trainer. We've been short-term interns and through that, Elliot and I are grateful to have a handful of incredible long-term mentors within this industry. Mentors who we can reach out to for business, training, and life help and advice.
I now know that this has allowed us to build a unique brand, and to learn and be apart of ALL types of aspects within the industry, and have opportunities that we would have never gotten to be apart of and learn had we done it a different way.
Elliot and I have been the trainers.
We have actually been the owners of horses in training.
We have been the breeders with mares at the breeding farm.
We have been the staff at the breeding farm.
We have been the clinicians.
We have been the participants in the clinic.
We have been the students.
We have been the teachers.
We have been in the action, in the spotlight.
We have been in the background, behind the scenes.
And we still are each of these things at times, even today.
Our path has offered us the unique experience of being on all sides.
So, how DID we get to this point?
A lot of mistakes. A lot of failure, and a A LOT of dusting ourselves off and trying again.
A LOT of learning to be humble enough to ask for help.
And not being afraid to test the knowledge we thought we knew.
I know how much it hurts to mess up over and over again.
Call it grit. Call it heart. Call it determination. Call it foolish.
Call it whatever you want, it's our story and it is still playing out.
We DO still study under our mentors as MUCH as we possibly can, and these mentors are involved in various disciplines and aspects of the horse industry. From movie horses and entertainment to jumping and Dressage to colt starting, cow horse, and Reining- God has placed some of the most unique mentors and teachers in our lives- and we are grateful.
All the paths to being in this industry are hard. Whichever hard path you choose in this industry, know that I am rooting for you, and I understand the difficulties- but I also know that all the hard, all the difficulty, IS worth it.
-Caitie Holtzman
Bio in the works.
Bio in the works.