19: Body Control- Prepare for Ranch Horse events
Face-to-Face & Virtual Clinic in Nocona, Texas
Taught by Elliot Holtzman
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/1Ve1F7xdxt/
Virtual aspect is for VH Subscribers
Register to Subscribe: https://www.facebook.com/versatilehorses/subscribe/
Register to ride: https://form.jotform.com/243345458348161
We are only taking 7 riders for this event.
24: Horses and Horsemen of the World
Evening Show at the FWSSSR
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/wsU8nzmjyVFySLfR/
1: Ranch Horse Show in Nocona, Texas (not at or hosted by VH, LLC)
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/15VUDnSbVz/
8-9: Roping & Mechanical Cow Clinic, Nocona Texas
Taught by Mark Lyon & Elliot Holtzman
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/1EkT73GZjp/
Register: https://form.jotform.com/242476030442146
15-16: Working Equitation Clinic in Nocona Texas
Taught by Doreen Atkinson, hosted by Elliot and Caitie
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/19nM1eBPxP/
Register: https://form.jotform.com/243345618869167
Feb 25- March 1: Art of the Cowgirl, Wickenburg Arizona
Info: https://artofthecowgirl.com/
5-6: SRCHA Show, Ardmore Oklahoma
7-8: Liberty Clinic, Hilton Head South Carolina
Taught by Caitie Holtzman
Hosted by Samie Ledyard
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/18ZRkJ9tut/
Register: Email Clinics@VersatileHorses.com
8-10: Liberty Clinic, Ben Wheeler Texas
Taught by Elliot Holtzman
Hosted by Kelly Jackson and the East Texas Liberty Horse Club, ILHA
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/15g5Y746aL/
Register: Email KellyJackson777@gmail.com
15-16: Working Equitation and Horsemanship w/ Jill Barron
Hosted by Elliot and Caitie in Nocona, Texas
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/18UPW7ASKs/
Sign Up: https://form.jotform.com/250256525727156
27-30: Road to the Horse
Lexington, Kentucky
5-6: Liberty Clinic, Waxhaw North Carolina
Taught by Caitie Holtzman
Hosted by Pat Osborn and the Carolinas Liberty Horse Club, iLHA
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/14uXuEqU38/
Register: contact Pat at 704-519-6847
5-6: Liberty Clinic, San Antonio Texas
Taught by Elliot Holtzman
Hosted by Brave Horse Center
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/15KVS35jHG/
Register: Clinics@VersatileHorses.com
10-13: Midwest Horse Fair, Madison Wisconsin
16-17: SRCHA Show, Ardmore Oklahoma
19-20: Western Dressage Clinic, Nocona Texas
Taught by Allison Whisler, hosted by Elliot and Caitie
Info: https://www.facebook.com/share/1FSCjg1BG7/
Register: https://form.jotform.com/243523503930147
4-8: Private Liberty Clinic, Nocona Texas
Taught by Dan James of Double Dan Horsemanship
Hosted by Elliot and Caitie Holtzman
16-18: Entertainment Special in Ohio
5-8: Western States Horse Expo
Rancho Murietta, California
Other upcoming clinics:
Bridleless Riding
Cow Work
La Garrocha
Colt Starting
Ground Control
Western Dressage
Working Equitation
Body Control Under Saddle
Ladies & Horses Weekend Out
& More!
Book Us!
Elliot and Caitie are available to travel.
To find out how to get our team at your next private or public event, as trainers, clinicians, and/or to entertain-click the button below.
Elliot and Caitie are available to travel.
To find out how to get our team at your next private or public event, as trainers, clinicians, and/or to entertain-click the button below.