Mega Jacd For Chics
Marthas Mega Jac x Hickorys Hot Time (by A Chic In Time)
2015 sorrel Quarter Horse gelding
Punk is Caitie's first Liberty horse and the first member of the team. He is best known for his mischievous character and big personality. He is a handy and persnickety fellow. Aside from being an incredible Liberty horse, he is also a great ridden horse and has been used in photographs as a rearing horse.
Some of his most unique skills include Cutting the mechanical cow--and Cuban--at Liberty and being apart of a Liberty and Roman Riding team.
He also has a Liberty spin, a rear, Spanish Walk, a lay down and lay flat cue, and he circles, changes direction, has a stop cue, outside turn, and transitions at all at Liberty from foot, as a team, and from a ridden horse. He also has a strong send in/run to the mark. He has a great amount of draw as a Liberty horse.
Jazzy Little Walla
Walla Walla Whiz x Bobbys Puddin
2016 sorrel Quarter Horse gelding, bred by the Terry Ranch
Cuban is easy to love. He is known for his kind nature and gentle curiosity. He has been successful in the ILHA, NRCHA, and NRHA. He is a cowy fellow, and is strong at his maneuvers in the Reining.
Cuban has become apart of the Roman Riding team with Punk and is confident at circling, changing direction, and transitions from foot, as apart of a team, and from the ridden horse. He also knows the Spanish Walk both on the ground and under saddle, the lay down, stop cue, the rear, and will run to the mark/send to the handler.
He's also made an exceptional bareback/bridleless horse.
You can't help but love this horse.
Walla Walla Whiz x Bobbys Puddin
2018 palomino Quarter Horse gelding, bred by the Terry Ranch
Wally is Elliot's cow horse and Liberty horse. He competed with Elliot at the 2021 Snaffle Bit Futurity.
At Liberty he circles, changes direction, has a stop cue and transitions. He is mark trained, sends in, and is comfortable with the Liberty from the ridden horse. Wally has a lay down, sit up, a "wave" cue, and a rear.
Wallapeño is quite cowy like his brother Cuban, and is one of the best minded young horses we've ever thrown a leg over. He's recently become a confident bareback/ bridleless horse and is comfortable working at Liberty around fire and dragging fire.
Dox Future Cat
Genuine Bob Cat x Dox Future Lady
2019 sorrel rabicano Quarter Horse gelding, bred by the Terry Ranch
Wasabi is the newest member to Caitie's Liberty team, only being apart of it for an extremely short amount of time.
In that short time he has been used in live performances, picked up on circling, changing directions, is mark trained, lays down and sits up, and he recently learned the rear.
Wasabi has is incredibly cowy and is strongest in his herd work. He's become a solid little ridden horse. He is a spicy, kind, and athletic little fellow that is typically a clown.
Africano AJB
Galan LXXXIII x Novelera MP
2016 black PRE (Andalusian) gelding, imported from Spain
Affy is the newest member of the team. He is a Dressage horse-that does ride Western as well, trained up to around the second level, is schooling lead changes, has a Spanish Walk and the beginnings of the Piaffe among other things. Affy is by far one of the most kind hearted and goofy horses we have encountered.
He is becoming a solid Liberty horse, has the entire foundation, is running to the mark, working on the lay down, and incorporating what he knows in-hand and under saddle at Liberty.
We are so excited to add a horse of his breeding and ability to the team.
Outlaw By Design
Poco Bueno Dot Com x Merlins Irish Mist
2009 black Quarter Horse gelding, bred by the Terry Ranch
Outlaw has been apart of the family since he was a weaning. He has literally seen and done it all in his life. He is an incredibly broke and gentle ridden horse. He's been in Caitie and Elliot's wedding, helped start numerous colts, used to be a VRH show horse, and more.
He is relatively new to Liberty but is learning all the foundational skills, including mark training, and is being paired up as a team member with Bluegrass.
Photo by James Korges
2005 gray BLM Mustang Gelding
Bluegrass was Caitie and Elliot's first mustang to gentle and train. He was a fun show horse in the ranch classes and has traveled all over the country and been in numerous clinics.
He is now making a super solid Liberty horse, he's got a good understanding of all the foundation, has a lay down, and is getting paired up as a team with Outlaw.
Photo by James Korges
2021 sorrel AQHA gelding
Walla Walla Whiz x Chicken Nicken
Spade is Caitie's pick for the 2024 NRHA Futurity. He was bred by the Terry Ranch of Hardin, Texas.
Spade is a clever, energetic, and cowy colt. He's loaded with try and aside from learning how to Rein, he's also being worked on cattle and has the entire Liberty foundation.
Cheer them on through their journey to the Futurity.
Photo by Greg Niro
Smart Little Code
Whizilli x Electric Charged (Electric Code// Smart Little Lena)
2016 Quarter Horse gelding, bred by the Terry Ranch
Oliver was well known around the farm for his ever changing and coming and going white birdcatcher spots on his red coat.
He was Elliot's first cow horse, first Liberty horse.
This little clown continues to hold a special place in many hearts.
Photo by Terri Cage
2016 - 2021